You are Powerful and Radiant ✨

There’s nothing that can stop you. You are powerful. You are bright and radiant and there’s going to be a lot of people in life who are going to try to bring you down, but just know that you are powerful and alive and nothing can stop you. 💕

Beautiful People

My lovely and caring mother sent this to me in a text after an especially difficult night and morning. I’m so grateful for beautiful people like her in my life.

If you are struggling or feel you are in the depths of despair, please know that you are not alone. You are beautiful and strong and others like you will find their way into your life, but patience and faith are key.

Beautiful people do not just happen.


A 25 year old who's trying to spread some more positivity and hope

Debatably Dateable

Dating, Poetry, and More

unbolt me

the literary asylum


Ramblings About Beauty, Lifestyle & Everything In Between!

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